Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bob Dylan Concert?

I bought tickets to see Bob Dylan, my idol, my hero, my everything, and a few days after, I found out I was pregnant. At first, I was still pumped to go, but now that it's getting closer to the date of the concert, I can't help but be nervous about even going. I can use the money if I end up selling them, but then again, I would love to be able to tell my baby that they met the man that I consider to make my life complete if I ever had met him. The chance is right in front of me, but I don't know if I should still go for it or if I should just try to scrimp and save as much money as I can. I get that accidents may happen but then again, I will never get this chance again in my life. I know that I don't need to meet him or see him in person to show I love him and his music, but I would just go insane if I got a chance to see him perform. My tickets are all the way in the back but that doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't care if I had to listen from outside, it would all be worth it for me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Seven Weeks

I'm finally seven weeks, and I have to say, this progress is moving along very slowly for me. I'm pretty happy because I found harmonica tabs for the song I'm naming my baby girl after, so now I can play the song for her all the time, so I'm practicing now. I'm so set on a girl that I feel I'll be so let down if its a boy, but I'm about thirteen weeks away from finding out what I'm having. Brandin came down for a break this weekend and I'm very happy to announce that we had no fights or anything, so I'm very hopeful that everything works out and we won't have to kill each other in this process. Of course, not ever little detail is worked out yet but I'm just happy that I'm positive in the moment and that little things aren't bothering me, because stress is the thing I need the least. I wish I could see into the future to how things're going to be for me and my little family but I think I can afford to wait a few more months to see what it's like. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011


So this is what it feels like to be depressed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Month & A Day

I recently found out that I'm pregnant.
I can't say I wasn't shocked, because its big news, but now that I've had the chance to process what's going to happen, I'm a lot more calm and I'm even happy. The one thing I was scared about was telling my mom about it, but I finally got it out of the way. She was mad at first but now she's supporting me in the way I didn't expect her to. She's making me get married, first off, and she came up with an excuse to tell my family members so I can live incognito and then come out and say I'm pregnant. I can't say I approve of her lying about it but I can't do anything that's against her will because her support will be gone completely and Brandin and I need as much as we can get at the moment. I'm not sure how things are going to turn out but everything's going to work out, I know it will. :]

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Much Needed Update -

It's been quite the while since I last blogged, so I decided to make a post updating what has happened in my life.
As you can tell, I haven't been on top of my shit when it comes to photography, but I'll get there again.
I don't think that I'm addicted to cigarettes but every person in my life thinks I'm a very heavy smoker and of course, addicted.
I hate that word but when you have five a day, you kind of have to just give in to the title.
I feel like this summer is going to bring a lot of change because I've already began to show my claws.
People will no longer step all over me like they have for the past eighteen years of my life, that's over with.
I talk back to people who talk down to me, I confront, I yell, I ignore, I let lose, which I've never in my life done before.
It feels good, and I can tell that I'm scaring people away by doing this but I don't care because this is for me, it's good for me, it's what I need.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back To The Origin

That link is what started it all for me.
It has nothing but photos from back then when there was hate, much more than there is in the world now. Photography tells a story using no text at all. It speaks to your heart more than anything can, more than music, poetry, books, more than words themselves. Back then, it was honest. It told the truth about any event that occurred. It broke some hearts to see the hate that was alive and well back then, but it has helped some people to see how cruel the world is and see global issues second hand. Photography has always been there to tell a story, there's no doubt about it, but with technology advancing as it is nowadays, can we really trust the pictures that are taken and displayed in the media? Photos are altered all the time, whether its to make a celebrity more attractive, less attractive, or even worse, to make a photograph look "better". Lets take nature for example, why would you want to alter a photo of nature? Its beauty speaks for itself. I honestly think that many people should re-evaluate what photography is because to me, it's losing its value day by day. What was once used to take a picture of soldiers on the ground or concentration camps is now used to take a picture of a celebrity when they have an errand to run. Times are certainly changing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tattoo Plans

I've decided to get a rose on my shoulder above my Led Zeppelin symbols, I have to wait til February when I get my Fafsa to get them done, though! It's true what people say; tattoos are very addicting, it's best to get them when you're on the verge of being broke. I think that when I get a job, I'm going to get the owl on my blog tattooed on me, it's breed is a Lesser Sooty Owl. I'm thinking of adding more detail to the owl I already have. I'm also considering a peacock feather on my foot, I originally wanted it on my forearm, but I'm not sure if I should get one that's very easily viewed so soon.

Ever since I saw the movie Inception, I've been having very strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that I had four little ferrets! Then I was in a dance group that was going to do a choreographed routine to the game Super Metroid, but with Crystal Castles music playing, which was weird.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Positive Thinking All Around

Update; My friend Brandin is saying 'hasta la vista' to California for five months. He's moving to Arizona for luthiery school and I couldn't be happier for him. :) I'm gunna miss him but I know I'll get used to his absence; He won't be gone long. This break will really give me some time to grow more independent, so I'm all for it. In other news, I keep brainstorming good ideas for photos I want to take. I know that I won't remember them, so I write them down on Notepad. I can honestly say that I'm much more better at coming up with concepts that I am with taking the actual picture, haha. I need another pair of hands sometimes, but with my tripod, I can make it work. School is only a few weeks away, so I can begin to have a reason to get up every morning now! Today I made it official; my next tattoo (after I finish my Led Zeppelin tattoo, of course) will be a rose on my shoulder. I wanted to draw it out tonight, but I can't seem to find my sketch book, so there goes that for tonight! I can't say today was a waste, though. I re-downloaded all the music that wasn't playable on my iTunes account, so now I have all my inspiration back. :] I think I'm going to start taking advantage of my bus pass when school starts & find routes to go somewhere nice, either a park or some sort of secluded place so I can relax with a book, my sketchbook and camera.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Project Rules:

Rule Number One: Be creative.

This list is not specific for the sole purpose that your creativity can kick in.

This isn't the only ones I have, but so far, this is what I came up with. :]


1. Something you never want to lose sight of.

2. Represent a disability from the five sense.

3. Display One of the seven deadly sins

4. Something that isn't possible.

5. Represent an addiction.

6. Represent your idea of societies downfall.

7. Show the future.

8. Something offensive.

9. Something broken.

10. Song lyrics held close to your heart.

11. Something you need.

12. Speak for the deaf.

13. What ruins beauty?

14. An old saying.

15. Your muse/source of inspiration.

16. Something you can make.

17. Something with no end.

18. If the truth about every bad thing you've done came out, what would you say?

My Own 365 Project:

I hope to stick to this because it sounds really interesting.
There's this "project" going around where you basically post a picture of whatever the project instructs you to. For example, "day one, picture of you & your best friend." I have decided to do my own version of it, & it might not turn out to be one picture a day, but if I start to slip then I will definitely change the rules myself & take a picture every week. This isn't just for me, anyone can do it to, isn't it fun? :) I'm making notes on Notepad so I can think about what kind of pictures to take, & when my list looks good, I'll post it on here. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Murphy Park

Below are some photos I took at Murphy Park, these are my favorites out of the set. :]

Sun Through Tree

Long Road

Grassy Blades

Nature Being Photographed.




Bike Shot

Shattered & Untied.



Thorn Bushed Sunlight



Panoramic Trail


Human vs Canine




Amazing Sky

Amazing Sky, originally uploaded by Vintage Lives On.