Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The "Adult" Life

Well it's been a few days since my birthday & I don't really feel much different. I can officially get a tattoo if I want & buy as many packs of cigarettes as I please, but not much else has changed. I spent my birthday at the Science Center & the Natural History Museum, it was really fun & extremely tiring. I saw a 36 foot long Oarfish, sharks, slugs, gross roaches, little insects, and BONES! The Woolly Mammoth was my favorite of all, I regret not having taken pictures. Then came the TAXIDERMY! They had barn owls, Northern Saw Whet Owls, Grey Gray Owls, Burrowing Owls, a Snow Owl, a Great Horned Owl & they had some baby ones, I'm not sure what they were. After that, Brandin & I went over to our friends house, saw a movie, & later that night went to the dollar theater to see Inception. I fell asleep because it was so late, but he seemed to enjoy it. I told all my family that I got the tattoo. My mom didn't have as bad a reaction as I imagined, she just wishes it wasn't so visible. I haven't shown the Zeppelin one though, I will when it's finished. My older sister rambled on about how I won't be professional, yada yada...whatever, it's not like I want a job like hers. In other news, a friend of mine & myself got floor seat tickets to see Crystal Castles March third in Pomona! If my family opens the tickets before I get to...there's going to be a bloodbath. I told them all not to touch anything that came in the mail for me in the next 2 weeks. I'm excited, this is my first concert! That's pretty much all for now :)

- Jess

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